make a difference...change lives...expand the kingdom...
Join the AOTW Support TeamOur desire here at All Over the World is to inspire young people to get involved in missions, and to help missionaries share their vision.
And that is why we are happy to showcase missionary works around the world without charging any airtime costs. However, producing a show like this can be quite costly. Would you consider joining the AOTW Support Team? Your prayers and financial support can help change the lives of so many! Please pray for us1. Pray that young people who see the show will hear the call of God to get involved in missions.
2. Pray for the missionaries that we feature that God will protect them and reward their work. 3. Pray for the safe travel and health of all of our missionographers. 4. Pray that God will give us continued inspiration and creativity. |
Donate & Start Your AOTW DVD CollectionFor every monthly gift of $50, we will send you a FREE DVD copy of all future shows.
Start your "All Over the World" DVD Collection today! However, whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated. Every donation helps. |
Or mail your donation payable to:
WHBR TV 6500 Pensacola Blvd. Pensacola, FL 32505 |
Thank you for your support!