Order your favorite copies of All Over the World
#1 Costa Rica: Sean Bullington
In this episode, we travel with Sean Bullington through the country of Costa Rica.
We follow him as he reaches out to the locals by offering them free Bibles, sandals, and eye exams.
#2 Scotland: Bob & Melissa Hill
In this episode, we travel to the beautiful land of Scotland, and join Bob & Melissa Hill at the Overtoun House.
See the renovations of the mansion, and witness the ministries of the Tea Room, Kinrick Kids, and Deeper Skate Church.
#3 Missionary Bootcamp Week 1
In this episode, we travel to Nicaragua for Globe International's Missionary Bootcamp.
It's week one...and the recruits face tough obstacles, and experience what missionary life is like on the field.
#4 Missionary Bootcamp Week 2
In this episode, we travel to Nicaragua for Globe International's Missionary Bootcamp.
It's week two...and the recruits face new physical and emotional challenges.
#5 Mozambique: Angie Wheeler
In this episode, we travel to Mozambique Africa, and join Angie Wheeler and the Beacon of Hope team.
Meet the young men of the Hope House, buckle up for a medical mission in the bush, and see the spiritual hunger of the African children.
#6 Kenya: Cheri Thompson
In this episode, we travel to Kenya, and join Cheri Thompson and the Challenge Farm team.
We spend time with the orphans and x-street kids at the farm. We also head to the slums of Kipsongo to witness the changed lives. And we take part in the baptism of a precious new believer.
#8 Sri Lanka: Doug Gehman & Yoganathan
In this episode, we travel to Sri Lanka, and join Doug Gehman and Pastor Yoga.
We travel across the country, and witness the many church plants that were started over 20 years ago. We also take part in a brand new church plant.
#9 Honduras: Johnny & Ivonne Cruz
In this episode, we travel to Honduras, and witness the impact of the INSTE training program, headed up by Johnny & Ivonne Cruz.
We learn about gang life in Honduras, and the tremendous growth of Christianity. We also witness the changed lives of the INSTE students and graduates.
#10 Nepal: Sudip & Anne Lise Khadkah
In this episode, we travel to Nepal to be with missionaries Sudip and Anne Lise Khadka.
We visit their orphanage, Bible College, and take a trek into the mountains of south Nepal to see the results of their church planting ministry.
#11 Borneo: Mission Aviation Fellowship
In this episode, we travel to Borneo to be with the missionaries of Mission Aviation Fellowship in Kalimantan.
We join in on the flights, take part in their ministries, and head into the jungles of Borneo to visit a remote village.
#12 Haiti: Keith & Cindy Lashbrook
In this episode, we travel to Haiti to be with missionaries Keith & Cindy Lashbrook.
We visit their boys home, adoption home, feeding program, and school.
We also trek into the mountains with Pastor Andy to see the living conditions of some of his congregation.
#13 Japan: Josh & Akiko Jones, Nathan & Taren Black
In this episode, we travel to Japan to be with missionaries Josh & Akiko Jones and Nathan & Taren Black.
We visit Josh’s English school to see how they use English to build relationships with the Japanese people.
We also take a hike up Mount Fuji through the night.
#14 Guatemala: Judy Hernandez
In this episode, we travel to Guatemala to be with missionary Judy Hernandez.
We make a visit to the school she started and go along with her to minister to a poverty-stricken family.
#15 India: Ebeneezer Samuel: Serve India Ministries
In this episode, we travel to India to be with missionaries Ebenezer & Angel Samuel.
We follow them as they train up native missionaries, educate Indian children, and escape being attacked by elephants.
#16 Alaska: Arctic Barnabas Ministries
In this episode, we venture into the snow and ice of Alaska to be with Arctic Barnabas Ministries.
They take us along for a cold and crazy ride, as we help out with their women's retreat and get our hands dirty with their construction team.
We also tread the arctic circle to take a missionary's son on his first flight lesson for his 13th birthday.
#17 Haiti: Mission Aviation Fellowship
In this episode, we travel to Haiti to be with the missionaries of Mission Aviation Fellowship as they provide relief to the survivors of the 2010 earthquake.
We join in on the flights and take part in their food distribution and medical outreaches.
#18 US: Missionographer Training Academy
In this episode, we are in Pensacola, FL for All Over the World’s Missionographer Training Academy. Watch the students as they learn the basics of producing mission video, and struggle to meet their production deadlines.
#19 Lesotho: Mission Aviation Fellowship
In this episode, we travel to the mountain kingdom of Lesotho to be with the missionaries of Mission Aviation Fellowship.
We join them as they battle weather conditions and take part in their medical outreaches.
#20 Mozambique: Mission Aviation Fellowship
In this episode, we travel to the African nation of Mozambique to be with the missionaries of Mission Aviation Fellowship.
We join them in their medical outreaches, and as they help the bush people of Mozambique.
#21 Kazakhstan: Bible Mission International
In this episode, we trek into Kazakhstan to help the workers of Bible Mission International serve the poor and spread the gospel.
We organize care packages for needy families, deliver a new refrigerator to an orphanage, and give gifts to the children made by boys and girls in America.
However, it doesn't take long for us to discover some of the challenges Christians face in this region of the world.
#22 Romania: Soritau Family
In this episode, we travel to Romania to visit the Soritau Family. Their story is a prime example of how God uses life struggles to produce God-glorifying fruit.
Join us as we invade the hospitals and homes of Oradea to share the hope of Christ with children suffering from cancer and other terminal illnesses.
Join us as we invade the hospitals and homes of Oradea to share the hope of Christ with children suffering from cancer and other terminal illnesses.
#23 Bolivia
In this episode, we team up with the combined forces of global church planting e3 Partners and Moffett Nursing School students from Samford University. It’s one week of medical clinics, but what God ends up doing while we are there will last eternally!